Yep, im avoiding homework
I mean... come on, who really needs to know about sulfuric acid production...well i suppose people who actually produce the sulfuric acid do, BUT im not one of them. Interestingly, in England suluric acid is spelt sulPHuric acid, ok so its not that interesting i just came upon that fact when i was looking it up on the net...go me.
As fasinating as that is i think ill move on. I have a blood blister on my hurts...just so you to keep you well informed.
Im so disappointed about my glish oral SAC. Because i dont like to blame other things ill bitch to you lovable blog machine, then people wont think im passing the buck for my own stupidity on to things. It all began wrong, for example, i should have done it early in the morning when i did my italian( which i thought went really well, for once). Then because i was waiting around, watching an unidenified class member, i got nervous, which is never a good way to be when talking in front of people. When i got into the room i should have taken the time to set it up the way i wanted but because i just wanted to get into it, i didnt and the started wrong and crashed and burned! I really dont think you are all understanding window for vce success is getting smaller and smaller, and i think that i might be perceving it as still open with stupid optimisim. im going to have to do garbology!!!HO HUM, i suck.
And on that happy not.....I bid you good day. (am going to do homework now....ive scared myself...LOL)
As fasinating as that is i think ill move on. I have a blood blister on my hurts...just so you to keep you well informed.
Im so disappointed about my glish oral SAC. Because i dont like to blame other things ill bitch to you lovable blog machine, then people wont think im passing the buck for my own stupidity on to things. It all began wrong, for example, i should have done it early in the morning when i did my italian( which i thought went really well, for once). Then because i was waiting around, watching an unidenified class member, i got nervous, which is never a good way to be when talking in front of people. When i got into the room i should have taken the time to set it up the way i wanted but because i just wanted to get into it, i didnt and the started wrong and crashed and burned! I really dont think you are all understanding window for vce success is getting smaller and smaller, and i think that i might be perceving it as still open with stupid optimisim. im going to have to do garbology!!!HO HUM, i suck.
And on that happy not.....I bid you good day. (am going to do homework now....ive scared myself...LOL)
At 7:22 PM, Unknown said…
Good work, living up to your name and stuff. You are doing fine. Perhaps you should breathe in the pink cloud. You underestimate yourself. The window is open. The window is open. ILY
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