Homework Avoider

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Please....offend me.

Watching a doco...In China it is offensive to put on a seat belt in the car..what the??? So again,refer to heading.
Why is there such a great necessity for it to be so cold if there is nooooooo rain, except when it rains??? huh???
Isnt the point of winter for the ground to get rain so we all put up with the cold so we can have green grass,yet is its cold, but i see no rain...ill blame global warming...and the easter bunny.
On to something interesting...i have dry skin on my hands atm...quite saddening.
Ok...the word "benifence" i think that its a word we should all start using...On account of Mr. Farmland LTIE teacher telling me that its not a word...WELL HELLO...ive written it and people can read and utter it...i think its a word...whether its a codified word is debatable ill give you that, just cause im feeling nice.
Wow, i just had an idea....im so going to publish my poems that i wrote in year 9 in memory of my teacher...and when i say in memory i mean for her to go wow...not that shes dead...at least i dont think...and when i say publish i mean type it on here so that my mum and best friend can read it...im cool.
And i think im done.
Ciao ciao

Monday, June 19, 2006

He didnt know what the word was

Ah flash backs how they are funny
Im just remembering my Yr 9 english techer....well the one at the start of the year...by far my best and my favourite, she left tho, went to melb. we did heaps of stuff that i still remember,which is unlike most other english classes, we watched dead poets society, did poetry and she even ,ade us stand u on a table on the basketball ciurts and yell out affirmations about ourselves.....i still remember mine"I am beautiful and intelligent". It was nice.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

This was a cool blog

I find a thing that said that to improve for 2006 i should learn to swer in another language...hmmmm i say....just speaking another language would be good...lol.
i was reading random blogs last night....not in a judging way, but some people are crazy....i like it.
Yesterday i couldnt stop listening to country, i find it wikkid, so deal with it, im quite comfortable with my uncool status, dispitie the discust from my "cool" brother.
The universe says only one of us can be cool, Tom...it also sais only one of us can be truly smart...what does that tell you,huh???.....LOL, thats right your cool and smart...upsetting,for me,anywho.
I went and saw Cars, and i was the youngest in the cinema, that shows you its a clever movie....and it was, i laughed alot, and i was tired, so it must have been funny.
How coll are holidays???i like them, i like country too, and techno,and the pussy cat dolls,IM A WALKING CONTRADICTION, whos sitting down.
People have published stories on here, not RIGHT here, but in blog land which i thought was clever. New fav word: clever. Opposite attract HA.
My little elf got a blog last night, so cute...hehe....his first blog...."whats a blog"
Well im going to get ready, im going out for lunch, i like lunch, its clever.
word out people.
ashleigh --

A real life muppet

'How" will you be defined in the dictionary?' at QuizGalaxy.com

Yep that was another empty one

simply to tease...hehe....so how are all of you out there in the world of my readers? Good? Not really? well chin up, youll be right
i think im going to go read randoms blog...
snatch ya later peeps

Whats a blog?

Monday, June 12, 2006

Yep, im avoiding homework

I mean... come on, who really needs to know about sulfuric acid production...well i suppose people who actually produce the sulfuric acid do, BUT im not one of them. Interestingly, in England suluric acid is spelt sulPHuric acid, ok so its not that interesting i just came upon that fact when i was looking it up on the net...go me.
As fasinating as that is i think ill move on. I have a blood blister on my finger...it hurts...just so you know....like to keep you well informed.
Im so disappointed about my glish oral SAC. Because i dont like to blame other things ill bitch to you lovable blog machine, then people wont think im passing the buck for my own stupidity on to things. It all began wrong, for example, i should have done it early in the morning when i did my italian( which i thought went really well, for once). Then because i was waiting around, watching an unidenified class member, i got nervous, which is never a good way to be when talking in front of people. When i got into the room i should have taken the time to set it up the way i wanted but because i just wanted to get into it, i didnt and the started wrong and then.......it crashed and burned! I really dont think you are all understanding ....my window for vce success is getting smaller and smaller, and i think that i might be perceving it as still open with stupid optimisim. im going to have to do garbology!!!HO HUM, i suck.
And on that happy not.....I bid you good day. (am going to do homework now....ive scared myself...LOL)

Saturday, June 03, 2006

early morning blogging

its a fact...school has me conditioned, i have been unable to sleep past 8. quite upsetting! but having said that ill most likely sleep in for something really important!
i had an exciting break though this week, one which i was told i wouldnt be able to do yet i did it. i was extremely happy but when it came time to tell the very people who wanted the change they were there usual selves and really let me down, in hindsight, i really dont know why i expected anything better from them, they are really just a pack of selfishish, one sighted, immature adolencene, and i dont think i will sitck my head out for them again. when u think about it, its know wonder people who are in control over large groups of young adults put alot of rules and restraints over them, they , majoritally, CANT be trusted or relied upon. im working on a one to one basis now, stuff the bigger picture, they can fight for themselves.
Dreams always facinate me, were do they come from(besides the obvious...your brain) and how do they form and why and do they mean anything? i know some people reallly do believe in dreams but is that like living out of a story book in your head?
anyway i believe im going now, and i didnt dream that
be good and if you cant be good...DONT ASK PEOPLE TO DO THINGS FOR YOU...